Audit H/M report Summary from Notional sherlock

1.Weighted pool spot price calculation is incorrect

Notional calculate the spot price of Weighted pool using the balances of token. Which need to be upscaled according to the balancer but Notional doesn’t.

Not farmilar with balancer wighted pool.

2.Single-sided instead of proportional exit is performed during emergency exit

Single-sided instead of proportional exit is performed during emergency exit, which could lead to a loss of assets during emergency exit and vault restoration.

Comment should use proportionally withdraw but used single token out , pay more attention on comments.

3.Native ETH not received when removing liquidity from Curve V2 pools

Not farmilar with Curve V2 pool removing LP.

4.Different spot prices used during the comparison

5.Incorrect invariant used for Balancer’s composable pools

Not farmilar with balancer need to check balancer contract next time.

6.Fewer than expected LP tokens if the pool is imbalanced during vault restoration

The vault restoration function intends to perform a proportional deposit

If the pool is imibalanced not 1:1?
